Health care was born when humans evolved. It has also evolved with human evolution. Many of us do not realize that we are evolving day by day and as the process is so slow and subtle it is difficult for us to realize. But evolution of health care is visible. Some ancient systems are still in vogue with limited utility as modern system happens to be inadequate for certain diseases and disorders. Some of the ancient Indian systems like Ayurveda are useful to fill the gaps for the time being because they have developed through trial and error and we don't have treatment in modern medicine. The major problem in these is that they use extractions/ decoction /concoctions of one or more plants and other substances. These or so complex that you cannot elucidate the individual chemical components . We cannot understand the nature of the active compound and we don't even know whether it is one or more chemical that brings the desired result. Sometimes, it's believed to be a synergistic effect. But the problem is, if something goes wrong or there is some allergic or unwanted reaction, we would not know the antidote. After all, allergy is very specific and personal to an individual. Further, we need to establish the scientific basis and through specific and valid clinical trials prove the efficacy of the treatment for universal application and acceptance. Some treatment systems use heavy metals and toxic components which they claim safety out of faith in the past. We don't know whether different methods of toxicity testing including long term bioaccumulation using preclinical trials were established. Among the so called alternate systems the most puzzling is Homeopathy. The very basis or foundation of this is unscientific and unacceptable to me. I fail to get convinced with the concept that greater the dilution more will be the potency or efficacy. People with faith in this system fail to realize that it is their faith that cures them and others like them and not the substance in their "medicine". For people of this type, I would like to give some personal examples. When I was in school, one day the younger brother of my classmate who was three years old, had swallowed the entire contents of a small cylindrical bottle in which the round small sugar balls ( containing homeopathy medicine of high potency) meant for his father was kept. The family upon realization of this, got panicked and rushed him to the clinic of the reputed Homeopathy doctor in my town those days, who coolly told the scared parents, that no problem, no harm would be done as the medicine will not affect those who don't have the complaint and would act only on those who suffer. Are you not stunned by this statement? This resulted in my stand that the cure claimed by so many including my wife with homeopathic treatment, is nothing but placebo effect or faith cure. Another proof for my belief in faith cure was again my experience with my last son when he was a child about thirty years ago. He used frequently get sick with fever. I used to give him some medicines and he will not recover. Then I used to take him to our family doctor and he will prescribe the very same medicine after discussing with me. He will get cured immediately. Further, it has been proved that many of the illnesses are psychosomatic in nature. Except Infectious, genetic and some physiological diseases, most of the physiological problems are psychosomatic. We normally think that only depression and the consequent illnesses are psychosomatic. But several others are also psychosomatic and I have several instances personally known to me. You should not misunderstand that such illnesses are imaginary and not real. The illnesses are real but only the cause is psychological. For example, long back, it was established by a scientific study that if you hypnotize a person and tell the person is having food and depending on the type of food the person is told, the stomach started secreting acid and all other enzymes needed to digest the food are released in the gastrointestinal tract. So, psychosomatic origin of the illness and placebo effect are difficult to discover and make people to accept. My view is that there should be a serious effort to create as much scientific evidence as possible for effective and proven treatments in traditional medicine by following established procedures in modern medicine.
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