I don't know how many would agree with me when I say that we are unnecessarily complicating simple things all through our lives and in all aspects of our life. I feel, developed countries complicate much more than undeveloped ones, as do learned people against illiterates. If you look at a simple tribal community, the complications are minimal but there, the community leaders and chieftains try to introduce a certain amount of complication by pronouncing regulations and customs. All festivities are part of this complication. The basic idea or motive of most complications I believe, is an attempt just to distinguish and standout. It may be between animals and themselves for primitive folks and between primitives and them for more civilized. After all the fundamentals of life for all living creatures is : birth; growth; finding food; reproduction; rearing the next generation and death. From these basics, step by step complications are introduced, as societies evolved and advanced. These complications are in each and every aspect of life. If you start thinking carefully and step by step, you will realize that most complications are anthropocentric and entirely for the welfare of a single species "Homo sapiens". However, some of the complications are simply meant to be different or difficult. Fashion is a typical example of this category. The efforts made in the direction of healthcare and longevity is also a complication that has resulted in a surge in the numbers of this species by bringing down death rate. I can't comprehend the complications in dressing; makeup etc., which typically is the result of the philosophy "why simplify when it is so simple to complicate". Anthropocentrism, has created an irreversible imbalance in nature and the human species has increased in numbers disproportionate to its level in the ecosystem affecting homeostasis. Gigantism is believed to have led to the extinction of creatures like Dinosaurs. Likewise, increase in number out of proportion in an ecosystem could also lead to ultimate extinction. Stability and simplicity would go together just as complexity and instability would. Don't you feel I am just trying to complicate simple things. This is what most philosophers do in my opinion. Philosophy and religion like fashion are typically the result of restless human mind that is full of imagination and for not knowing what to do has engaged itself in doing this. Well,then, how to find out what is complication? If you don't do that or do it differently, is it affecting you? If it does, it is not complication. If it doesn't, it's complication. I think I have simplified complication enough. To put it differently, can I say, doing something for the sake of doing is complication. But I have to admit that it's one's fundamental right to complicate but it is not right to force it on those wanting to be simple.