Monday, 22 August 2016

Olympic games - some thoughts.

In the year 2020, the Olympics(Summer Olympics for some) is scheduled to be held at Tokyo, Japan. Hosting Olympics once in four years has become a prestige issue and not all countries can get the opportunity and many cannot afford to host even if offered. There are 196 or 195 countries(depending on Taiwan's status), of which less than a dozen countries alone have had the opportunity to host Olympics. Seven cities in the world have hosted more than once. The reason for several countries not offering to host, is the volume of financial burden( around at least six billion dollars at present), the infrastructure and human resources required. From 1896 till 2016, the category and number of games and sports events have also been increasing. However, several events appeared and also disappeared in various Olympics over the years. There were only nine types of events in the first modern Olympics in 1896 which rose to 28  in London Olympics in 2012 and continued till Rio Olympics in 2016. There are totally 306 events in these 28 types of games and sports. In addition, inaugural and valedictory functions have to be also held. Hence, Organizing Olympics is nightmarish even for governments of several countries. I believe Olympics is the biggest global event happening once in four years with the participation of maximum number of countries. It is a Herculean task to successfully organize this event for any country however big or small it maybe. Apart from all routine problems you may visualize in organizing such an event, the last to be added was in 1972 in Munich, Germany . This problem is the protection from terrorism. Hats off to all the countries who have been organizing this Magnum opus and Brazil in particular, as this is the latest successfully completed. It is easy to find fault in any event,however well it would have been organised. Fault finders are invariably incapable of doing anything good.
Until now, I don't think there is any major or significant opposition to the conduct of this event. Still, I feel that this should not remain an event for the few endowed and empowered countries only. At present It is so, because of the magnitude of the event and almost total participation globally. Demand for inclusion as event and willingness to host are much more than what could be met. Why not resize Olympics and make it smaller and manageable for many countries to host by sorting it as water sports; field games; athletics; gymnastics etc. and hold it either simultaneously or one after another in a sequence and with required time intervals in different countries and different continents. This could ensure greater participation in organizing as well as competing. More opportunities thrown world wide for business and other development oriented improvements even in less privileged countries and populations. I don't think that what I suggest is immediately feasible or acceptable to many. But the purpose is to generate an alternative thinking and healthy critical discussion leading to new and exciting changes. Several changes happening today might have been outright rejected those days. But I hope and wish that a new thought process is initiated in the right direction. Initial acceptance can be limited and it does not affect the final emergence.