Thursday, 31 March 2016

Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Politicians particularly in India survive only due to the extremely short lived memory of people. Proliferation of political parties in this country is rivalled only by bacteria. Most if not all the parties are personality based and not on any policy or principle. In India, the number of political parties is more than the number of castes and communities, because each community or caste or religion is represented by as many people with some influence in their group. Each emerged as a leader in the locality and initially attaches to a political party especially the one in power, to start wielding influence over the local government officials, police etc. Based on popularity, the political party gives them position and makes them contest elections. The moment one feels that he/ she has a following, demands are made to the parent party. If the parent party is unable to oblige, a new party with a name and flag similar to the parent organization is formed and starts functioning as a letter head unit most of the time while trying to make feeble noises when possible. All this is to demand a price for the ensuing election.   If only one could recall what all a leader said or wrote over a period of time and what he/she does today, nothing could be more shocking. Politicians seem to have developed a philosophy of their own, in which nothing is wrong as long as it serves their purpose. Alignment during election has no basis other than winning some seats. Promises made through manifesto and also during campaign need to be forgotten once election results are announced. During campaign, they appear to be bundles of virtues while their opponents are evil personified.
It is time that democracy is meaningfully functional and not ludicrously functional. In India, we tend to abuse freedom and make a mockery of democracy by allowing literally hundreds of parties without any policy or principle different from others and making criminals contest elections and become so called leaders. They use all foul means including bribing voters. The political parties vie with each other in announcing freebies if they come to power, out of exchequer and not from their pockets. They print their pictures and give their names for what rolls out of the taxpayers coffers. They do not want to empower the people by giving them jobs and earning for their needs. They want to retain them as beggars so that they will always be dependent and be their slaves. Since all laws of the land have to be made by such people we have no redemption. The only ray of hope is the activism of the election commission and judiciary who even if it is out of their way, take laws into their hands in the interest of the country and its gullible public to set things right to the extent feasible. I really don't know whether there is light at the end of the tunnel or the smart political class will effectively prevent activism of the autonomous election commission and the judiciary.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Familiarity breeds contempt

Anything common, anything frequent and anything abundant looses its interest, it's attraction and it's value. If something has to retain its interest, value and glamour it has to be somewhat rare and infrequent. Take typically the case of aluminum and gold. Why gold is so valuable than aluminum? Simply the question of abundance. Aluminum is twice as abundant as iron. But you may not be aware that it was more precious than gold and silver in the 19th century because it was so hard to obtain then. It is said tat Napoleon III reserved a prized set of aluminum cutlery for very special guests at banquets while less favored guests used gold knives and forks. In 1884, USA just to show off its industrial prowess, capped the Washington monument with a six pound pyramid of Aluminium. But things changed as its availability increased.
Emperors, Kings and for that matter popular actors and important people should appear in public less frequently, to retain their importance and value. If they are seen all the time everywhere, people loose interest to even look at them. This is applicable to many things. If everyone walks naked, there would be no interest in life. It's true for blogs and other posts as well. That's why, I decided to write less frequently. In fact, a friend of mine used to forward jokes, interesting information, pictures and videos which I used to immediately see, respond and even forward to others, but as it started coming more frequently and every day, I slowly stopped opening and lost interest. This is what is understood by saying " familiarity breeds contempt ". Now a days, you need to be always and in everything short and sweet. If you write voluminously in the name of blogs, no one would like to read. So let me stop here.