Glorifying the past, condemning the present and doubting the future is the name of the game and each generation plays the same. This is true from time immemorial. Youngsters are always scared of picking up a conversation with oldies as they preconceive the trend of conversation. Invariably, elders of each generation think that they inherit a glory from the past and tell that they struggled and worked hard to reach their status and place. The younger generation according to them is ambitious and wants everything with little or no effort. I am amazed that this fits all periods and generations till the present. Is this part of the generation gap?
Deep rooted psychology is behind. Probably, the reason is the reluctance towards change and fear of the future. Possessiveness (often innate and unperceived) resists differences in attitude and behavior. It finds different expressions. One such is shilly-shallying about the ability of the next generation. In fact, the exposure and consequent improvement in intelligence quotient of each subsequent generation makes them more competent to face the new realities of modern world and life.
In the past, ignorance about nutrition was the reason for the stunted nature of some populations and not simply poverty. But when knowledge was gained, the full genetic potential was expressed and even the so called dwarf populations are no more dwarf. In this instance, how can the past be glorified? But, this need not be taken to decry the past, praise the present and reassure the future. It would be wise not to compare the past and present, only on issues of our interest, because anything to be compared will have to be similar/identical in aspects other than those compared. The conflict arises out of inappropriate comparisons.
Let us sing in chorus " Fair play is the name of the game and each generation plays the same at least in future ".
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
....and each generation plays the same.
Friday, 15 January 2016
Attitude is important
Many of us are so negatively tuned from birth and are surrounded by such people all around that even unconsciously we tend to be negative. When you have to head some group and lay down rules and regulations, the temptation is always to think how and how many would misuse than thinking of the number of people who would use them. Right from rearing children we commit mistakes. We start teaching children what they should not do than what they should do. "Don't do this, don't do that , don't go there, don't look at that" is what I have heard as a kid. It is the implant of negativity in a child.
I personally use to feel that my inability to achieve early in life was due to the diffidence created by negative upbringing. Lack of self confidence is the result of this negative thinking. Right from birth we need to be provided confidence and positive attitude in everything. Thrusting ones ideas and attitudes on others particularly on children is very undesirable. This is precisely what has been done in our society so far. People use to thrust their ideas, thinking and wishes on their children so far in this country. We used to decide right from dress, food and courses of study of our children without bothering about their views. There are those who even think that the children don't have the right to have their own ideas. I distinctly remember my childhood. We were told to obey elders implicitly without questioning. That is the reason why normally our students do not ask questions during, lectures, seminars etc., Luckily, of late this seems to be changing at least with some people. Gradually more and more would fall in line.
I wish at least in this 21st century, let us resolve, to develop positive outlook and attitude in everything and foster original thinking and interests in youngsters and children. Our experience in life should be useful to them as guidance especially if they go wrong and should not be thrust on them. Shooting down ideas and suggestions without providing sufficient reasons is nothing but negative attitude. Let us encourage outside the box ideas and thoughts and promote originality and creativity among young and old alike.
Tuesday, 5 January 2016
New Year resolution
At the start of each New Year, new thoughts come to many and new resolutions are invariably taken. Many even attempt to follow the resolution seriously and sincerely , for a period, the length of which depends on the tenacity of the individual. I am aware of cases of very short lived, say a couple of minutes, to very long time even up to their entire life time, keeping up their resolve. The duration depends on the quality of resolution also. What I mean quality is a sum of many aspects such as importance of the issue; frequency or duration of occurrence; addiction or habitual; the urgency of the issue etc., This is some what akin to Diary writing. Many people decide to maintain diaries the moment they are in possession of a good looking Diary. I have tried umpteen times to keep writing Diary and it didn't last for even for few weeks at a time. There are at least few who manage to do this but not keeping up New Year resolutions.
Thanks to modern technology my telephone serves the functions of Calendar and Diary. So some technology is needed to keep up the New Year resolutions also. Till then, the best would be to take the resolution I took this New Year. That is " not to take any resolution hereafter". Many people don't wish to disclose their resolution for fear that people may laugh at them when they don't keep. But by telling openly, you increase the chances of keeping up to the resolution, at least to avoid being shamed. This is my way of making myself do certain things which otherwise I may not.